
History of Madhubani Paintings

Madhubani Paintings are traditionally Done by the women Of villages around Madhubani Town, it is also called 'Mithila Paintings'. The art extends to the adjoiningsparts of Terai Region in Nepal. The paintings Have a common Theme and are ususally drawn from Religious motifs of the Hindus, including Krishna, Rama, Durga, Lakshmi and Shiva.  The figures in the Paintings are Symbolics, for example, Fish Depicts good luck and fertility. The Paintings are also made depicting auspicious occasions like birth, marriages and festivals. Flowers, tree, animals, etc are used to fill any gaps in the Paintings. Traditionally these were painted on walls using Rice paste and Vegetables colours on a base of cow dung and mud. With time, the base changed to Handmade Paper, clothes and canvas, still the natural colours were used. Since there is no shading, the Paintings are Two-Dimensional.  Some of the common features of these Paintings include double line border, bold use of colours, o
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